Hyperopia is a condition that makes it difficult to have a close vision despite having a good vision for objects that are far away. Presbyopia for its part is the gradual loss of flexibility of the lens and the surrounding muscle fibers making it more difficult to focus on nearby objects.
We have a prestigious ophthalmological medical team, quality service with quality that is evident in each of our assigned tasks.
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If you want to be attended by one of our specialists or if you have any previous questions to schedule your appointment, contact us now.
Now you can schedule your ophthalmic medical appointment from our website.
Business Hours
Monday – Friday 8:00 – 18:00 Saturday 8:00 – 12:00
More than 35 years of experience in the ophthalmological sector
Ophthalmological Center pioneer in the country, which has a medical team of highly trained professionals
Testimonials from our patients
Our Medical Staff

Dr. Byron Sancho
General Director - Ophthalmologist
Ophthalmologist surgeon specialized in excimer laser, cornea, strabismus, glaucoma and all kind of ocular microsurgery.

Dr. Christian Sancho
Ophthalmologist surgeon specializing in Anterior Segment and Cornea, transplants and expert in corneal bank.

Dra. Ligia Sancho
Ophthalmologist surgeon specialized in Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus.

Dr. Rubén Landázuri
Ophthalmologist surgeon specialized in Oculoplastics, Ocular Plastic Surgery.
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Frequently Asked Questions
The appearance of a tissue (carnaza) in the conjunctiva (white part of the eye) is called pterygium or terigo, in some cases patients confuse this tissue with cataract, which is usually almost imperceptible to the human eye, except in advanced cases .
The pterygium can cause discomfort such as redness of the eye, burning, itching or foreign body sensation and in some advanced cases can affect the patient’s vision. We have the best extraction techniques, reducing the possibilities of future growth.
Keratoconus is one of the pathologies whose diagnosis, thanks to technology, has become increasingly frequent in recent years. This disease, which can cause irreversible damage, must be treated in time.
We have advanced technology to prevent the deformation or conification of the cornea through corneal crosslinking, which provides a vitamin complex in the cornea and with the help of ultraviolet lights, strengthens it.
The placement of intracorneal rings is also an option to improve vision in cases of stable keratoconus.
For more severe situations, the cornea transplant is also presented as an alternative. We are one of the centers accredited by INDOT to carry out this procedure.
Strabismus or ocular deviation is one of the visual problems that it is advisable to treat at an early age (childhood), in order to avoid complications such as visual loss (amblyopia or lazy eye). This is why it is recommended to visit the ophthalmologist within the first years of life to be able to detect problems that may be irreversible in the future.
In adults, the treatment of strabismus is also possible, however it must be diagnosed accurately.
The techniques and technology used in our procedures guarantee optimal and satisfactory results in our patients.