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The cataract is the eye lens opacity (crystalline lens), which is normally clear and transparent. It can be compared with a frost or fog window. There are many causes that produces cataracts, but the main reason is for the proper adult degeneration, and the other common causes are the medicine usage (steroids), congenital cataract that are present in children, chronic ocular infection (uveitis), and also for traumas and strong hit/ blow in the eye.

Figure: Eye with cataract

The cataract is a common pathology that has been proved its affection to all persons, in different ages generally from 50 years-old and its progression can been influenced by the genetic scope (cataract family history) or nutritional habits (vitamins deficit).

Some of the common cataract symptoms:
  • The sight becomes blurry without pain
  • Light glare and sensibility
  • Frequent changes on the lens measurement
  • Double sight in one eye
  • Poor night vision
  • The colors can be sought fade or yellowish

Figure: Normal sight and Sight with Cataract

The size and shape of the lens opacity may vary. If the opacity is not close to the crystalline center, it is probable that you don’t suspect that have a cataract. However, if the cataract is “advanced” is probable that the patient has difficult to see.

Intraocular lenses or accommodation lenses

The intraocular lenses (IOL) are the most used treatment for people that presents cataract and for those who what to reduce or eliminate the eyeglasses or contact lenses dependency. This lens offers different benefits, less risks and rarely secondary effects. The lens insertion is made thought the phacoemulsification technique that consists on a small incision that absorbs the crystalline and put the intraocular lens.

For having more information about this procedure and our phacoemulsification equipment, please Click here.

How does intraocular lenses work?

The intraocular lenses (IOL) are an excellent option for people that have ocular diseases as cataracts and long-sightedness. This lens has been designed to treat these affections, sight improvement and reduce the eyeglasses or contact lenses dependency. The IOL creates multiple focal points that allow the person can see from different distances. In Laser Center 20/20 has a wide variety of IOL that can offer a quality sight from near as well as far.

In cataract patients, the intraocular lens replace the deteriorated crystalline and it permits an immediately sigh improvement. Generally, this is a low risk surgery and it takes approximately 45 minutes. It offers a safe, quick and effective way to repair the patient’s sight.

Monofocal and Multifocal Intraocular Lenses

There are wide options of intraocular lenses (IOL) for treating long-sightedness and cataract problems, such as the visual monofocal accommodation lenses which permits the patient to recover the near or far determinate distance sight problems and then the patient should use eyeglasses for correcting the sight. Also there are pseudo accommodative multifocal lenses that correct the near, medium and far distance sight, using the same corrective treatment as the eyeglasses. The last option is more selected by our patients and with the best results.

There also are Toric Intraocular Lenses recommended for long-sightedness and/or cataracts cases with high levels of astigmatism. Unlike the lenses described above, the toric lens is placed in a specific angle that permits the patient a better sight.

How is cataract surgery?